Community-verified activity and growth as a path to useful resources.
Activity, Growth, Verfication, Pools, Exchanges, Cardano & Useful Resources…
Proof of Activity/Growth
- Verified achievements using the selfdrivenOS and apps like Level Up.
- Uses the selfdriven-initiated skillzeb Templates standard.
- Octos, or OctoProtos if prototyping, are issued based on verification be trusted learning partners.
Useful Resources
- Octos can be exchanged using Community Exchanges (permissed by SSI DIDs/VCs) for useful resources.
- Exchange pools are funded by Cardano network activity and other external sources.
- Octos can be used with useful resources like
There are two tokens, one for prototyping (model testing) and one that can be used as a base for community actuation.
- asset1lmdg26asscqr63ecyv306gy8fzdqcu7lc8ewfj (CIP-68 Based Token)
- Policy 11d09f751a005b90b56ccaad3f7a4d2c90bef0f106c4d1c66f61c2ca
- Implement using OctoProtos with use-case partners.